Saturday, May 9, 2009

Getting Over Myself... fast life can pass you by when your so busy believing and doing things that aren't getting you anywhere. I don't know If I make any sense at all when I say this, but lately I feel like I have been getting so caught up doing THINGS that I forget what is really important and what God really wants me to get out of this life. I sometimes have to remind myself to get over myself and count my blessings! When I get over myself, I really realize how lucky and blessed I really am. Does anyone else out there struggle with comparing their life to others? I am always talking about being yourself, living YOUR best life NOW, yet even I find myself comparing myself to friends, family, people. Oh society how you curse us to believe we MUST be doing this or that at this age or that age. Well I say poop on that and yay to living YOUR best life NOW...remind me of this tomorrow ok?:)

Here are some the blessings God has placed in my life lately...

1.16 kinderroos. I just finished a long term sub job with the kindergarten class I student taught with. I have never worked so hard in my life and loved every single minute of it. Who knew one could learn so much from a bunch of 5 & 6 year olds. Their biggest problem is who is going to lead our line to recess or who gets to help out teacher, not to mention they can make me laugh like no adult ever can. I also learned the "letting go" part of teaching. Having to hug them bye and place them all in the Lord's hands because my time with them was up with a huge lump in my throat and smile on my face at the sametime....tough stuff.

2. Patience.I took and passed my last state exam. By the grace of God I have semi-officially passed a brutal 4 and half years of jumping through hoops to become a teacher. All that is left is to apply for "state certification" but I have all the requirements checked off for that...just more paperwork and money...whoopie!

3. Gramps. In my previous post I mentioned that my grandfather has recently been diagnosed with cancer and is presently undergoing Chemo. I have never seen him at his best as weird as this may sound. His favorite thing is to spend time with his 7 kiddos and all us rambunctious grandchildren, it is kind of my favorite too! I now TRULY cherish every single moment I spend with him. I can honestly say that I even cherish when gramps has the grumps, which at his age it is often. BUT I remind myself that I will even miss the grumps from gramps one day.

Well, I just had to get that off my chest. Now, back to hanging out with the good ole' family. I'll be in good ole' Snyder this week catching up with friends & family, spending mommy's day with mommy! Then, the second half of the week I'll head further west to spend time with the Hester Family! Kristel is graduating May 16th!!! I'll blog my West Texas journey soon!

To all you mommies out there...Happy Mother's day! You do the world's most challenging, rewarding, exhausting, and never ending job and that in itself is beautiful... MOMMY POWER!

Laura Loo

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