Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Meet Cutie Pie Hannah!

Remember this sweet face?

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There are so many reasons I can't wait to share these photos of sweet baby Hannah, but for the sake of time I'll just name my top three.

one & two...
She is round, cute, and insanely lovable, AND I'm so lucky to call her family. I just can't stop smiling or hugging her when I am around her. I get real close to snatching her up and bringing her back home with me every time. Just editing these pictures I am counting down the days until I get to squeeze her again. I'm not the only one either, my family & I have serious debates about who has and hasn't gotten to love on her when she is around LOL!

The doctors said she was a risk not worth taking to her mamma's health. A risk her sweet mom shouldn't take. A risk that could just go away like no big deal...yeah right! Well, as you can see the Lord had other plans, as did her momma. Every time I'm around Hannah, her big brother and her Momma I just melt into one big puddle of love. Those three together are such a sweet sight to see. To think she was ever considered a "risk" is just outrageous. I thank the Lord that her mother is a God-fearing woman that has admirable faith.

Now before I get to Oprah on ya, let's get to those sweet pictures of HANNAH!
prepare to wrinkle that face into one big SMILE!

To wear a dress or not to wear a dress?
Every girl's battle.

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Hannah chose the later of the two.
Check out her sassy pose, she chose this all by herself too!

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If only chubby cheeks & drool looked this cute on me...
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Oh the curious mind of little ones is so FUN to watch in action...
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These two have a lot in common. For starters they are survivors, love to laugh, AND HOW CUTE are they to watch hanging out...
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Now, I don't know about you, but I CAN SO relate...just replace that bow with chocolate haha!!

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Hannah, you are an angel & bring so much joy to so many people. I look forward to watching you grow up to be a beautiful little lady. Keep that sassyness, goofy personality, and you will continue to bring so much sunshine into everyday lives of those lucky folks that get to be around you! To Hannah's Momma, thank you for letting me share are an amazing MOM and a beautiful soul! LOVE YOU!

Laura Arellano

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