Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Aerosmith sneak-a-roos...VLOG style!

Better late than never right!? Well, we are finally flipping through our pictures and videos from the Aerosmith concert & figured we share some videos...this makes our very first video blog...haha hopefully not our last! We warn you...for some reason we both get crazy accents & the sillys in front of the camera. Seriously, even when we were little. Our moms have videos of us pretending to be the Spice Girls, fighting, & other childhood memories that make us cringe when watching because we sound so funny...kind of like these videos but, WE LOVE YALL & said we would share our fun day! So here are the videos we recorded on our way to see Aerosmith July 19th, the weekend that came & went way too fast! We hope this post finds you all doing well & soaking up all that summer has left...stay tuned.

Haha, you should have seen us running from Loo's apartment & packing up the Hester mobile in the we are safe in the car heading to Dallas!

Of course we are late, but at least our eye make up looks like da! haha!

You had fair warning....if you could understand us hope you enjoyed those silly videos...MORE TO COME & of course pictures!

p.s Laura would like to add that she GOT A PUPPY! You will being seeing lots of him, so no worries!



1 comment:

Darla said...

i love it, you two are really blessed to have your friendship. it reminds me of my sisters and i and the way that we act. i am sure that the concert was amazing huh?

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