Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sweet Saturday Memories....

Today, I did not clean my room, the dishes, do the laundry, or any of my apartment for that matter...but I did clean out some sweet memories from the holidays from my camera finally!!! I thought I would share a few of my favorite sweet moments with all of you....

This is one of my favorite pictures of some of my family & I ever! Can't you just hear the laughter? This was taken at my graduation celebration in January. How I miss my childhood memories of hide-and-go-seek, Go carts, and bar-b-ques with all of them!

Meet my sweet friend Kristen. Who also graduated in December! She is also a photographer. We had a fun January afternoon photographing each other for a spot in the SNYDER DAILY NEWS...look for us! These are our silly shots...we laughed so much & even contemplated about using these beauties for our articles!

Meet Fallon & Khloe! Fallon is Kristel's sweet baby girl! And Khloe is our dear friend Katie's precious bundle of joy. We did a mini-shoot of them at one of our girl's night outs over the holidays!

Khloe made me giggle because she kept trying to chow down on her tule on her tutu!
Aren't their little piggies the cutest?
I took a ride on the Polar Express with my family...I was a kid in a candy store!

My heart filled with joy all over again while looking at these pictures. Thanks for sharing some sweet moments with me again....May your holidays always warm your heart and be filled with giggles and dear loved ones! :)
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Darla said...

great pictures...there is so much to enjoy in our everyday lives. i tell people all the time that i enjoy the simple things. everyday stuff. and i mean it. i don't think people believe me usually but i'm totally serious. i think you've captured that here in this post, the family, friendships, little ones, and moments of fun. good job!

Staci Danford said...

I love the look of your new block backgrounds. And I love, love seeing the things that make people smile. It makes us all crack a grin.

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