Saturday, February 21, 2009

Long time coming...

Hey there!!!!!!!!

Long time, no talk guys! Like Laura has stated, I have been a busy bee and am sorry that I am not a more frequent blogger. Just because I don't write does not mean that I am not behind the scenes! Because I am paying attention (when I make time)! I am in awe of Darla's dream...and the comment that she left
us regarding Anozira being the brand of cactus! And really, she has no idea what a godsend that dream was to Laura and I! We have been searching and really reflecting as to what a possibility for a future logo for anozira photography could be. Honestly...we loved the idea of a cactus (since Anozira) pronounced Ah-no-zye-rah for those unaware does dip it's roots back to the Grand Canyon State in which cacti run rampid! It just so happens that Alpine does if only Laura lived here! The Armit of Texas would be complete! day we will find ourselves finally living back in the same town and all will be well! Onward. I am currently student teaching! Yay kiddos! I have the fourth grade, and thought I would not like it because I had such a bad fourth grade experience~ It has proved me wrong! I love it and have already spoken to my principal and superintendent about wanting to jump onboard with AISD! They are I guess they like me too! I do not know how long we will be here. I mean, if Jared is offered a better position and they have something for me too then we might just up and leave! But at this moment I'm unaware as to what our future holds! Jared (my husband) actually was moved from jr. high track and field to do JV and Varsity softball and has been encouraged to apply for the head girls basketball position, so who knows right now! I am so excited that graduation is coming up in like 11 weeks! This moment could not come sooner. Although I haven't lingered out my undergrad career as long as it feels like I have, I am sooooo ready! I really want to pursue my masters, but haven't the heart for more school in which I am the student right now (unless it deals with Laura and I going to some type of photo seminars/workshops) to better our passion!~ Parker is a stud with his states right now. We are learning (well I already know them), but I am working with my 2 (soon to be 3) year old on his fifty-nifty United States! He seems to think everything is California. We were working on Georgia...and not one minute after I was convinced he knew Georgia, all of a sudden it had morphed into a west coast state! Oh well...he has plenty of time for his states i do suppose! klZSLD (ohmygoodness...that nonsense to the left is my husband scaring me out of my wits! One day he's going to give me a heart attack because I am the easiest person in the world to scare, and he takes advantage of that fact WAY too often!) Parker is doing sooooo great with potty training. He's basically got it down. When i say basically, I mean most of the time. He always goes poo (sorry for the mommy lingo) in the potty now, but usually slips and doesn't go pee everytime he has too. But this is a far cry from where he was last month because I am the world's worst potty trainer. If you have a child that needs to learn how to use the potty, do not send them to the Hester household because I have so many other things that I am taking care of besides running to sit on the big boy potty every 15 minutes - I know, my bad. But he's doing quite good for the fact that I am a failure at being the best influence on learning! Fallon on the other hand, said dada 2 weeks ago, said mama for the first time last night, and said bubba today! Whether this is all coincedence is beyond me, but she is moving rather quickly in her stringing of words (she's going to be 6 months on March 5th by the way). uh-oh. speaking of, Fallontine is calling me now, must put her back to bed. night guys! Laura I hope I made you smile...miss my bff~ I will leave with like 2 inspired photos - Thank-you Ms. Darla!~


Staci Danford said...

Love the photos... Beauty is all around us if only we take the time to see. And love reading words from people who are happy, and inspired to live their best life... YUDOOOOOOs to you.. Keep it up..

Anonymous said...

Love the Cactus pictures! Kristel I was wondering if you would be interested in doing some Easter photos of my baby girl. We live in Pecos so we aren't far from you in Alpine. Just let me know. I also have a blog

Darla said...

ha, i havent been able to read and catch up, i LOVE the cactus shots! i couldn't believe it when i saw your name on the cactus tags (in the dream) but i'm glad i shared it with you. thanks for not thinking i was crazy! :D

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